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White Papers

About ESD-protection of cleaning systems

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can cause damage, especially to sensitive electronic components. To shield against electrostatic fields within the cleaning chambers kolb systems are equipped with intelligent fixtures.

Read here how sensitive cleaning goods are ESD-protected kolb cleaning systems.

To read and download the white paper click here

About water qualities and ion exchange

About water qualities, how they can be processed and how they affect the relationship between substance concentration, water hardness and conductivity and thus the cleaning result.

Read here about the different water qualities and ion exchange processes.

To read and download the white paper click here

About efficient rinsing processes

The current market requirements regarding residual ion contamination levels for a cleaned assembly are typically <1 to 0.6 μg NaCl eq / cm2. Even smaller values can be achieved.

Find out which are the best options to reach these values in the best quality and most economically rinsing process and why an electrical zero conductivity of the rinse water is not necessarily the optimal solution!

To read and download the white paper click here

About cyclic detergent monitoring

An optimal cleaning result in the electronics cleaning depends to a large extent also on the optimal working ability of the used detergent.

Find out here why a cyclic examination of the cleaning mixture is necessary to measure the current concentration and (if necessary) by post-dosing / adjusting the cleaner to ensure its effectiveness.

To read and download the white paper click here

About ideal cleaning temperatures

A standard kolb system is designed for temperatures up to 55 °C because modern detergents have a efficiency window at a much lower temperature level. Nonetheless all systems are also available for high temperature cleaning up to 80 °C. Find out here why it is more efficcient, more process safe and more economic to use modern high performance low temperature cleaners.

To read and download the white paper click here

About stencil underside cleaning

According to experts, between 60 and 70 percent of all defects and failures during or after the soldering process are attributable to defects in the printing process - caused in in general by faulty solder joints, which in turn have their causes in solder paste printing mistakes. Find out here how stencil underside cleaning with the right cleaning medium avoids production losses and additional costs.

To read and download the white paper click here

Batch or inline cleaning?

When it comes to cleaning of large volumes of PCBs, the question arises as to whether compact batch systems can handle similar capacities in similar times to large inline systems.

Learn here why the question should actually be the other way around.

To read and download the white paper click here


Vimeo Video: Detergent price-value video
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Why a cheap detergent isn't necessarily a favourably priced detergent you can find out here.

Vimeo Video: kolb company video
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We are kolb - An introduction of kolb CLEANING TECHNOLOGY and its philosophy in 120 seconds.

Technical Articles

Favorable and environmentally responsible cleaning of condensation traps

Lean management, focus on sustainability, automation, digitalization and industry 4.0 applications are mandatory for today's manufacturing plants.

Read here how deep process know how of a cleaning system supplier can help to reach such goals regarding mass cleaning of condensation traps.

To read and download the full article, please click here

Climate-safe PCBAs

This article is only available in German. If you would like to receive an English translation, please contact us by mail at info@kolb-ct.com.

To read and download the German article, please click here

A world first and a performance winner

This article is only available in German. If you would like to receive an English translation, please contact us by mail at info@kolb-ct.com

To read and download the German article, please click here

Cleaning systems for the industry 4.0 age

At the end of the decade, the fourth industrial revolution puts almost all the axioms of industrial production to the test, or at least challenges them.

Read here how contemporary cleaning technology looks in the age of Industry 4.0.

To read and download a translation of the article, please click here

Saving costs and resources with water management

Whether through government regulations or taxes, or whether through privatization and thereby commercialization it is expected that 98.5 percent of the (dwindling) global freshwater resources will become an asset like oil. Means Water shortage will change the economic conditions of industrial production.

Find out here how aqueous electronics cleaning can be managed with minimum water consumption.

To read and download the complete article, please click here.

Cleaning of power electronics / DCBs

The cleanliness especially of complex high grade components in the electronics production is a decisive factor for a high quality end result with minimal failure rates. Thus, the cleaning is increasingly becoming a necessary and thus a fully valid production step. Siemens company in Amberg, Germany, shows that cleaning technology is a key success factor.

To read and download a translation of the article, please click here

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